Indie Boards and Cards ”Shipping”的圈套? - 《G54 Anarchy》

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類型: Expansion ,身份,口術
人數: 3-6 (promo 8)
上手難度: ★★☆☆☆
性價比: ★☆☆☆☆
口味: ★★☆☆☆
遊戲長度: 20min
遊戲性: ★★★★☆
個人期望: ★☆☆☆☆
背景主題: 未來科幻
價錢: 13USD
價錢連運費: 25USD ~ 200$HKD
預計到貨日期: 2016年9月
現階段集資額: 1K USD (5月16日)(已集資成功)
集資到期日: May 26 2016
賣點: 吹水,玩針對
出版商及作品: Indie Boards and Cards - The Resistance: Avalon(抵抗組織:阿瓦隆)
同系作品: coup ,coup reformation , coup rebellion g54
G54 Anarchy 係 Coup: Rebellion G54 既 Expansion。增加遊戲6位角色。
24張角色卡 6x4
6 角色 randomizers ,
6 角色 dividers
小量 tokens
好brief咁講,一開頭用randomizers 係幾個職業任面抽選今場既角色。一人兩張咭,唔好比人睇,你話自己係邊個都得。最緊要人地信唔信。
===== 文章重點 ======
引申上一次我對Indie Boards and Cards 評價:『 Indie Boards and Cards 我back過3個project。其中我ks g54 真係嬲嬲豬。遲過代購係美國送返香港,價錢重要更好平 。』我想深討下研竟今次 G54 Anarchy 值唔值得支持呢?
首先有一個大前題:就係假設G54 Anarchy 呢個Expansion 必定會係Retail 出現。
問題 1:隻Game 其實係幾錢?值唔值?
以我既睇法,隻Game 其實係 9USD ,因為每個美國 Additional Copy 係 + 9 USD。
$70 HKD 買 36張卡,同少量Token,作為一個Expansion 係絕對化算。
我引用G54既經驗,當時Additional Copy 係 $25 USD , 來到香港零售版價大約係$200。
照推算,如果G54 Anarchy 會有Retail ,都會係呢個 $70 HKD水平。
問題2:呢家買講緊買KS 版喎,你拎Retail 比,點比?
無錯,呢個問題就正正係我覺得今次G54 Anarchy Project 既問題。 經今次KS Project 既G54 Anarchy 會送一個 Promo , 係比你將遊戲同G54 KS版一齊用,可以上到8人。 當然,聽起上黎係好必要。 但最重要係今次既Promo 只不過每張角色卡多送一張 , 卡既設計同其他卡係一模一樣。 換句說話, 只要我買一盒零售版, 就可以變成3個 Promo 。
問題3:咁即係點?$25 USD 靜買 Expansion 我都知唔抵,但我有得Combine Shipping用 13 USD 嘛?
首先 Combine Shipping 只適用於經Kickstater 購買 Grifters, Don't Mess with Cthulhu , Deluxe Edition Brazilian Art project 既投資者 ,而且必須選用 Priority International Shipping,再加 $13 USD。你之前買既Game 會連埋G54 Anarchy 運埋比你。$13 USD ~ $HKD 100 , 明明遊戲其實值 $9USD 但你要比 $13 USD 即係話,你比左 $ 4USD - 隻game 既一半黎做運費,而唔係免費!
問題 4: 你講咁多野都係唔明,其實你想講乜。
其實我想帶出,如果你想慳錢,點樣計,都係無必要經呢個Project 買。而我自己係一個懶人,究竟我咁樣懶一懶經ks買,洗多左幾多錢?
假設由零售購入一副 G54 Anarchy 為 $70
4盒零售G54 Anarchy = 3盒 G54 Anarchy+ 3 Promo = $280 ~ $95 each
Combine Shipping = $13 USD ~ HKD $100
Economy International Shipping = $25 USD ~ HKD $200
Priority International Shipping = $65 USD ~ HKD $520
Indie Boards and Cards Economy Shipping(最下方有原文)
1)No Track Number;
2)6 Month shipping;
3)*** no guarantee of delivery, 5-10% Will not receive , Resend Cost $60 USD;
用Economy Shipping 即係一場賭博,所以你無奈使用 Priority International Shipping。
Indie Boards and Cards Combine Shipping 只不過是一個圈套,看似有一個比較化算既選擇。其實早係第一個 Priority International Shipping 上面已經比左相當大既 premium ($320)。 而當然呢個premium 亦只係承諾你最長2個月內收到貨。
雖然第一個Priority International Shipping 你己經付出晒呢d premium ,即使你買齊4隻,除返開既運費依然係超貴。
單看G54 Anarchy 限定既promo ,以及該公司既發售零售版既往績,絕對非必要從ks 入手。我甚至大膽假設所有Indie Boards and Cards ks project 都無需要親自由ks 入手。我只建議由代購跟零售差不多的情況入手。或者直接等待零售版。
Indie Boards and Cards 最新評價:
唔好經KS 買佢d野。
以上所有論點建基於會出Retail ,數字計算建基於 Retail 價錢~$70 HKD.
ECONOMY Shipping
If you select this option you are agreeing to these conditions:
There are no tracking numbers, or individual shipping confirmation emails. While I will notify you that your items have been sent, you are agreeing to my commitment that these items are sent as there is no verifiable confirmation of shipment.
Expected delivery time is up to 6 months after shipment. You are signing up to having a delivery address that is fixed for a long time frame. You are also agreeing in advance to being extremely patient and acknowledging that it is very likely that the retail version of this game (without the promos) will be available in your local store before you receive your kickstarter rewards.
There is no guarantee of delivery. If your items do not arrive within 3 months (which is the case 5-10% of the time) you can have items resent via USPS Priority Mail, paying the full shipping and handling fee for the item (about $60), to the same address you submitted in the kickstarter survey for this project. That is the only option for items not received - there are no other options that will be available to you.



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